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The Mikado - 2015

Apr 9-12 (Th-F-Sa*-Su), 2015

Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre

Artistic Director: Claire DiVizio

Music Director: Ezra Donner

Further Prod Staff Information needs to be located. Contact if you have the missing records.


Ko Ko: David Andrews

Pooh Bah: Justin Burgess

Nanki Poo: Tomer Eres

Yum Yum: Zoe Hart

Pitti Sing: Eliana Barwinski

Peep Bo: Madeline Karpiuk

Pish Tush: Lawrence Byrk

Mikado: Alan Wineman

Katisha: Isa Signoret

Women's Chorus:

Beth Ballbach

Clara Ceccanti

Natalie Emptage

Maia Gersten

Madeline Gotschlich

Laura Jo Hassold

Danielle Teter

Julia Timko

Men's Chorus:

Jacob Augsburger

Lawrence Bryk

Bob Davidlow

Don Devine

Greg Hassold

Phillip Rhodes

Chuck Venditto



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