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Patience- 1958

November 20, 21, 22; December 5, 6, 1958

Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre

DeVilbiss High School Auditorium, Toledo (December 5)

Rackham Auditorium(December 6 )

Artistic Director: Jim Bob Stephenson

Music Director: Robert Denison

Production Manager

Jan Willoughby

Set Designer

Edith Goldstein


Marshall Kievit, Designer

Bill Weimer, Electrician


Terry Rodefer, Chairman


Carolyn Strutz, Chmn.

Make- Up

Jerry Davies, Chmn.


Mona Morningstar


Karen Chanin, Chmn.

Tickets Mona Morningstar


Ann Polak, Chmn.

Publicity Secretary

Nancy Copenhaver

Rehersal Accompanist

Carol Colin


David Arnold

Colonel Calverley: Warren Jaworski

Major Murgatroyd: Thomas Jennings

Lieut. The Duke of Dunstable: David M. Schwartz

Reginald Bunthorne (a Fleshly Poet): Gershom Morningstar

Archibald Grosvenor (an Idyllic Poet): John Vavroch

Mr. Bunthorne's Solicitor: Frederick Rico

The Lady Angela: Janet Wilkinson

The Lady Saphir: Gloria Cusumano

The Lady Ella: Virginia Hill

The Lady Jane: Althea Romaine

Patience (a Dairy Maid): Carla Cargill

Rapturous Maidens

Sandra Becker

Laurel Benn

Kathy Bennet

Barbara Christiansen

Linda Davison

Nancy French

Beverly Garber

Judy Gilden

Cyndie Hoffert

Sherry Hutte

Laurel Krauss

Jane Lauer

Nancy Lind

Dale Mayers

Arlene Miholancan

Suzanne Osborne

Ann Polak

Alice Scafide

Julie Stockwell

Sally Stockwell

Bette Lynn Tomola

Alice Umemoto

Dragoon Guards

Jim Brickley

Peter Cartwright

Patrick Chester

Allan Collins

Edward Dickinson

Ward Edwards

William Fors

Jack Houck

Jon Maxwell

Ty McConnell

Gerald McDonald

Tom Moceri

Bud Moore

Charles Murdoch

Julius Myers

Robert Ogburn

Brian Parker

James Stegenga

John Titchener

Bob Wilson

Dan Wolter



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