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Support Us
Do you love Gilbert & Sullivan, UMGASS, or supporting the arts locally? UMGASS ticket revenues cover only a small portion of expenses, and the Society receives no financial support from the University of Michigan. FUMGASS, our Friends organization, helps make UMGASS productions possible. Please consider making your tax-deductible contribution today.
UMGASS is run by an elected board of officers, made up of both students and Ann Arbor community members.
Membership Levels
Student ($25)
Friend ($50)
Paragon of Patronage ($100)
Peerless Philanthropic Paladin, KCB ($150)
Peppery Potentate ($250)
Chancellor ($500)
Mikado ($1,000)
Membership benefits include invitation-only afterglow parties, priority access to the best seats in the house, and a free subscription to the GASBAG, our quarterly newsletter.
Please mail your tax-deductible contribution to:
c/o Brenda Kerr
2900 Pebble Creek Dr
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Or to donate online via credit card or PayPal (NEW!),
please click the button below. (Please note that FUMGASS pays a 2.2% + $0.30 per transaction fee to PayPal for any online
donations. As a result, we appreciate efforts to make check/cash donations or cover the PayPal fees in your contribution.)
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